· 8 jajc
· 8 žlic sladkorja
· 4 žlice moke
· 4 žlice kakava
· 1 pecilni prašek
· Ščepec soli
· 250g sladkorja
· 250 ml sladke
· 250 g slanih arašidov
· 250 ml smetane za stepanje
· 20 g želatine v prahu (2 vrečkici)
· 100 ml mleka
· 2 zvrhani žlici arašidovega masla
· 1 žlica vaniljeve arome
· 2,5 žlice sladkorja
· 150g čokolade
· 100 g arašidovega masla
· 2 majhna snickersa
Najprej pripravimo biskvit. Ločimo beljake in
rumenjake. Rumenjake, sladkor in vročo vodo mešamo toliko časa, da postanejo
penasti. Nato zmesi dodamo moko, kakav, pecilni prašek in sol ter mešamo dokler
se vse skupaj lepo poveže. V drugi posodi beljake zmešamo v sneg ter ga počasi
dodamo kakavovi masi. Mešamo počasi, da zmes ostane zračna in puhasta. Pekač
namastimo z oljem in pomokamo. Jaz sem uporabila pekač s premerom 26 cm. Zmes
vlijemo v pekač ter pečemo na 180 stopinj približno 15 minut oz. dokler zobotrebec,
po tem ko ga zbodemo v biskvit, ne ostane čist. Pripravljen biskvit ohladimo
ter prerežemo na pol.
Ko se biskvit hladi pripravimo karamelo. 250g
sladkorja postopoma dodajamo v ponev dokler se popolnoma ne stopi. V tem času v
naslednjem loncu segrejemo smetano in jo dodamo popolna stopljenemu sladkorju
ter mešamo dokler se vsa karamela v smetani ne stopi. Nato vmešamo arašide.
Vzamemo prvo polovico biskvita in okrog njega namestimo okrogel okvir. Polijemo
ga s par žlicami mleka in nato po njem razporedimo arašidovo karamelo.
Pripravimo kremo. V posodo nalijemo smetano in jo na
pol stepemo. Nat kakav o prilijemo mleko, arašidovo maslo, sladkor in vaniljevo aromo.
Premešamo, da se sestavine dobro povežejo. V posodico damo želatino in 8 žlic
vode ter počakamo 5-10 minut, da se strdi. Nato želatino raztopimo in jo
prilijemo kremi. Nadaljujemo z mešanjem toliko časa, da nastane gosta krema.
Kremo prelijemo po karameli ter na vrh položimo še drugo polovico biskvita, ki
ga prav tako namočimo s par žlicami mleka. Torto damo za nekaj ur v hladilnik
(jaz sem imela nekje 7-8 ur).
Dobro ohlajeni torti odstranimo obroč. Pripravimo
čokolado. Mlečno čokolado raztopimo z arašidovim maslom. Počakamo par minut, da
se malo ohladi. Čokolado polijemo po torti in jo razporedimo po želji. Za
dekoracijo na sredino torto zložimo nekaj narezanih snickers čokoladic. Torto
še malo ohladimo in postrežemo.
Bon appétit !
- 8 eggs
- 8 tbsp hot water
- 8 tbsp sugar
- 4 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp cocoa
- 1 pack baking powder (12g)
- pinch of salt
- 250g sugar
- 250 ml cream
- 250g salted peanuts
- 250 ml whipping cream
- 20g gelatin
- 100 ml milk
- 2 full tbsp peanut butter
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- 2,5 tbsp sugar
- 150g chocolate
- 100g peanut butter
- 2 small snickers bar
First make the cake. Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Mix egg yolks, sugar and hot water, until foamy. Then add flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt, stir until everything combines. In another bowl mix the egg whites and slowly add them to the cocoa mixture. Mix slowly so the mixture stays airy and fluffy. Greas and flour cake thin (diameter 26cm). Pour the mixture into the tin and bake on 180 ℃ aprox. 15 min. Once the cake is baked leave it to cool and cut in half.
For the peanut caramel gradually put sugar in to the pan until it's completely melted. In another pan warm the cream and add it to the melted sugar, stir until the caramel is melted. Then add peanuts and mix together. Take one half of the cake and put the frame around it. Moist it with couple of tbsp of milk and put the peanut caramel on.
For the peanut cream whipp the cream half way. Add milk, peanut butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Mix until everything combines. Put gelatin and 8 tbsp of water in a small bowl, wait for 5-10 minutes, for it to thicken. Than melt it on a stove and add to the cream. Continue mixing until the cream is thick. Pour the cream on the peanut caramel, then put the other half of the cake on top. Again moist the cake with milk. Put the cake in to the fridge for couple of hours.
When the cake is cooled take of the frame. Prepare the chocolate topping. Melt the chocolate with peanut butter. Wait couple minutes to cool down. Pour the chocolate over the cake and arrange as you wish. For decoration put chopped snicekers bars in the middle of the cake. Cool it down a bit more and serve.
Bon appétit !
- 8 eggs
- 8 tbsp hot water
- 8 tbsp sugar
- 4 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp cocoa
- 1 pack baking powder (12g)
- pinch of salt
- 250g sugar
- 250 ml cream
- 250g salted peanuts
- 250 ml whipping cream
- 20g gelatin
- 100 ml milk
- 2 full tbsp peanut butter
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- 2,5 tbsp sugar
- 150g chocolate
- 100g peanut butter
- 2 small snickers bar
First make the cake. Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Mix egg yolks, sugar and hot water, until foamy. Then add flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt, stir until everything combines. In another bowl mix the egg whites and slowly add them to the cocoa mixture. Mix slowly so the mixture stays airy and fluffy. Greas and flour cake thin (diameter 26cm). Pour the mixture into the tin and bake on 180 ℃ aprox. 15 min. Once the cake is baked leave it to cool and cut in half.
For the peanut caramel gradually put sugar in to the pan until it's completely melted. In another pan warm the cream and add it to the melted sugar, stir until the caramel is melted. Then add peanuts and mix together. Take one half of the cake and put the frame around it. Moist it with couple of tbsp of milk and put the peanut caramel on.
For the peanut cream whipp the cream half way. Add milk, peanut butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Mix until everything combines. Put gelatin and 8 tbsp of water in a small bowl, wait for 5-10 minutes, for it to thicken. Than melt it on a stove and add to the cream. Continue mixing until the cream is thick. Pour the cream on the peanut caramel, then put the other half of the cake on top. Again moist the cake with milk. Put the cake in to the fridge for couple of hours.
When the cake is cooled take of the frame. Prepare the chocolate topping. Melt the chocolate with peanut butter. Wait couple minutes to cool down. Pour the chocolate over the cake and arrange as you wish. For decoration put chopped snicekers bars in the middle of the cake. Cool it down a bit more and serve.
Bon appétit !
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