četrtek, 8. junij 2017



- 18 jajc 
- 12 žlic moke 
- 6 žlic kakava 
- 3x ščepec soli 
- 9 žlic sladkorja
-6 žlic vode 
- 1,5 vaniljevega sladkorja (15 g)
- 1,5 pecilnega praška (20 g) 

- 250 g čokolade 
- 320 ml smetane za stepanje 
- ščepec soli 
- 2 žlici vode 
- 1 paket želatine (6 listov) 

- 680 g jagod 
- 1 paket želatine (6 listov)
- 60 g sladkorja 
- 1 žlica vaniljevega ekstrakta 

- 600 g mascarpone 
- 70 g sladkorja v prahu 
- 2 čajni žlički vaniljevega ekstrakta 
- 150 g sladke smetane 
- 5 žlic jagodnega pireja 
- 500 g jagod 

- 500 g masla 
- 530 g sladkorja v prahu 
- 1 žlica vaniljevega ekstrakta 

- 1 dcl jagodnega soka 
- voda
- jagode, borovnice, maline za dekoracijo 

- Pečico segrejemo na 180 ℃. Namastimo pekač ali pokrijemo s peki papirjem. 
- Začnemo s pripravo 3 biskvitov. Ločimo 6 rumenjakov od beljakov. Rumenjakom dodamo 3 žlici sladkorja in polovico vaniljevega  sladkor ter penasto zmešamo. Počasi dodajamo 4 žlice moke,2 žlici kakava, ščepec soli, polovico  pecilnega praška in dve žlici vode. V drugi posodi beljake zmiksamo v sneg. Previdno ga vmešamo v prejšnjo zmes. Vlijemo v pekač in pečemo pribl. 12 minut oz. dokler zobotrebec, ki ga vstavimo v sredino biskvita, ne pride ven čist. Enako ponovimo še za ostala 2 biskvita. 
- Pripravimo čokoladni mousse. V mikrovalovni pečici v 30 sekundnih intervalih (30 sekund segrevamo, premešamo in ponavljamo dokler čokolada ni popolnoma stopljena) raztopimo čokolado v 180 ml smetane in ščepcu soli. V drugi posodi stepemo smetano. Ko se čokolada ohladi na sobno temperaturo, ji primešamo želatino, ki jo pripravimo po navodilih proizvajalca. Nato previdno dodamo še stepeno smetano. 
- V tortni obroč pripravimo prvi biskvit, ki ga navlažimo z jagodnim sokom in vodo. Nanj razporedimo čokoladni mousse. 
- Nadaljujemo s pripravo jagodnega pireja. V kozico damo jagode, sladkor in vanilijev ekstrakt ter kuhamo na srednjem ognju, dokler se jagode ne zmehčajo. Jagode precedimo in zmiksamo s paličnim mešalnikom. Ponovno pripravimo želatino in jo vmešamo v pire. 
- Za jagodno kremo damo v posodo maskarpone, sladkor in vaniljev ekstrakt in ga dobro zmiksamo. V drugi posodi stepemo smetano in jo dodamo v prvo mešanico. Primešamo še 5 žlic jagodnega pireja in na drobno narezane jagode. 
- Nadaljujemo z zlaganjem torte. Na vrh moussa položimo naslednjo plast biskvita, ki ga prav tako navlažimo. Dodamo jagodno kremo in na vrhu prelijemo z jagodnim pirejem. Dodamo še zadnjo plast biskvita in jo navlažimo.
- Torto pustimo v obroču čez noč. 
- Naslednji dan pripravimo masleno kremo. Maslo sobne temperature in vaniljev ekstrakt dobro premešamo z mešalnikom, dokler ne postane blede barve. Nato postopoma dodajamo sladkor v prahu in mešamo dokler ne dobimo gladko zmes. 
- Obroč odstranimo in torto na tanko namažemo s masleno kremo. Damo jo v hladilnik za 1 uro in nato ponovno premažemo s kremo. Spet postavimo v hladilnik, da se krema strdi in nato okrasimo po želji. 

Bon appétit ! 


- 18 eggs 
- 12 tbsp flour 
- 6 tbsp cocoa 
- 3x pinch of salt 
- 9 tbsp sugar 
- 6 tbsp water 
- 1,5 pack of vanilla sugar (15g) 
- 1,5 pack of baking powder (20g) 

- 250g chocolate 
- 320 ml whipping cream 
- pinch of salt 
- 2tbsp water 
- 1 pack of gelatin (6 sheets) 

- 680g strawberrys 
- 1 pack of gelatin (6 sheets) 
- 60g sugar 
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract 

- 600g mascarpone 
- 70g powdered sugar 
- 2 tsp vanilla wxtract 
- 150 g whipping cream 
- 5 tbsp strawberry puree 
- 500g strawberrys 

- 500g butter 
- 530g powdered sugar 
- 2 tbsp vanilla extract 

- 1 dcl strawberry juice 
- water 
- strawberrys, blueberrys and raspberrys for decoration 

- Preheat oven to 180℃. Butter the baking tin or cover with baking paper.
- Start with preparing 3 cakes. Separate 6 egg yolks from egg whites. To egg yolks add 3 tbsp sugar and half pack of vannila sugar, mix until foamy. Slowly add 4 tbsp flour, 2 tbsp cocoa, pinch of salt, half pack of baking powder and 2 tbsp water. In second bowl mix egg whites. Slowly add the egg whites in to the first mixture. Put the mixture in the baking tin and bake aprox. 12 min. or until the toothpick, inserted in the middle of the cake, comes out clean. Repeat the same for other 2 cakes. 
- Prepare chocolate mousse. Melt the chocolate with 180 ml whipping cream and pinch of salt in the microwave in 30 second intervals (warm the chocolate for 30 seconds, stir and repeat until chocolate is completely melted). In second bowl whip the whipping cream. Once the chocolate is at room temperatur, add the gelatin (follow the instructions on the pac to prepare it). Carefully start mixing in the whipping cream.
- Put first cake in the cake ring and moisten it with strawberry juice and water. Put the chocolate mousse on top of the cake. 
- Continue with making the strawberry puree. Put strawberries, sugar and vanilla extract in to small pan, and cook until strawberries are soften. Strain the strawberries and puree them. Again prepare the gelatin following the instructions on pack and mix into puree. 
- For strawberry cream put mascarpone, sugar and vanilla extract into bowl and stir well. In second bowl whip the whipping cream and add it to the first mixture. Add strawberry puree and sliced strawberries. 
- Continue  with assembling the cake. On top of the mousse place the second cake and moisten it. Add strawberry cream and pour the puree on top. Place the last cake and again moisten it. 
- Leave the cake in the ring over the night. 
- Next day prepare the butter cream. Mix the butter on the room temperature with vanilla extract until it becomes pale. Then gradually add powdered sugar until it's completely combined. 
- Take off the cake ring and frost it with thin layer of butter cream. Put in fridge for one hour and repeat. Again put the cake in the fridge until cream hardens and decorate as you wish.

Bon appétit !

nedelja, 21. maj 2017



SESTAVINE (za 5 velikih vinskih kozarcev): 
- 3 jajca 
- 2 žlici sladkorja 
- 1 vanilin sladkor 
- 1 žlička vanilin ekstrakta 
- 4 žlice moke 
- 1,5 žlice vode 
- 1/2 pecilnega praška (7 g)
- ščepec soli  

- 200 g skute 
- 400 ml smetane
- 3 žlice sladkorja v prahu 

- 2 žlici jagodne marmelade 
- 2 žlici vode 
- jagode (750 g) 
- jagodni preliv 

 - Segrejemo pečico na 180℃. Pekač namastimo ali obložimo s peki papirjem. 
-Začnemo s pripravo biskvita. Ločimo beljake in rumenjake. Rumenjakom dodamo sladkor, vanilin sladkor in vanilin ekstrakt ter vse skupaj dobro premešamo z mešalnikom. Dodamo moko, pecilni prašek, vodo, ščepec soli in ponovno premešamo. 
- V drugi posodi stepemo beljake. Postopoma jih dodajamo v prvo mešanico in rahlo premešamo. Mešanico vlijemo v pekač ter pečemo pribl. 15 minut oz. dokler zobotrebec, ki ga vstavimo v sredino biskvita, ne pride ven čist. Ko se biskvit ohladi, ga narežemo na kockice. 
- Pripravimo kremo. Skuto premešamo s sladkorjem v prahu. V drugi posodi stepemo smetano. 4 žlice smetane damo na stran, ostalo pa vmešamo v skuto. 
- Jagode narežemo na četrtine. V majhni kozici raztopimo marmelado v 2 žlicah vode. Ko se marmelada malo shladi jo polijemo po jagodah in dobro premešamo. 
- Začnemo sestavljati sladico. Najprej na dno kozarca položimo kockice biskvita, nato kremo in na vrh jagode. Vse skupaj še enkrat. Na vrhu naredimo majhen kupček smetane in prelijemo z jagodnim prelivom. 
- Pustimo v hladilniku vsaj 3 ure, da se dobro ohladi in nato serviramo. 

Bon appétit !


INGRIDIENTS (for 5 big wine glasses): 
- 3 eggs
- 2 tbsp sugar
- vanilla sugar (10g)
- 4 tbsp flour
- 1,5 tbsp water
- baking powder (7g)
- pinch of salt

- 200 g cottage cheese
- 400 ml whipping cream
- 3 tbsp powdered sugar

- 2 tbsp strawberry jam
- 2 tbsp water
- 750g strawberrys
- strawberry topping

- Preheat owen to 180℃. Oil the baking tin or cover with baking paper.
- Start with prepering the cake. Seperate egg yolks from egg whites. Add sugar, vanilla sugar and vanilla extract to egg yolks. Mix well with hand mixer. Add flour, baking powder, water, baking powder and mix again.
- In second bowl mix the egg whites and add them slowly to first mixture, stir slowly. Pour the mixture to baking tin and bake aprox. 15 min. or until the toothpick inserted to the middle of the cake, comes out clean. Once the cake is cooled cut it in little cubes.
- Prepare the cream. Mix the cottage cheese with powdered sugar. In another bowl whip the whipping cream. Put aside 4 tbsp of whipping cream and add the rest in cottage cheese.
- Cut the strawberrys in quarters. In small pan dissolve jam in water. Once the jam is cooled add it to strawberrys and mix well.
- Start composing the dessert. On the bottom of the glass put the cake cubes, add cream and on top put the strawberrys, Repeat. On top make pile of whipping cream and cover with a little bit of strawberry topping.
- Leave in refrigerator for min.3 hours, so it's cold and then serve.

Bon appétit !

nedelja, 14. maj 2017



SESTAVINE (za 6 porcij):
- 1000 g jagod 
- 130 g moke 
- 1 čajna žlička pecilnega praška 
- 70 g sladkorja + 2 žlici za jagode 
- 2 majhna jajca 
- 40 g masla 
- 1,5 čajne žličke cimeta 
- vanilijev sladoled 

- Segrejemo pečico na 180 ℃. 
- Jagode operemo, narežemo na rezine ter jih položimo v prej namaščen pekač. 
- Posipamo jih s sladkorjem ter pol žličke cimeta ter dobro premešamo. 
- V posodi zmešamo moko, pecilni prašek in sladkor. Dodamo razžvrkljani jajci ter dobro premešamo (najboljše z vilicami), dokler se vse sestavine ne povežejo. 
- Dobljene drobtine naložimo čez jagode in posipamo s cimetom. 
- Na vrh razporedimo majhne kockice masla. 
- Pečemo dokler drobtine niso zlato rjave barve. 
- Pred postrežbo rahlo ohladimo. Postrežemo z vanilijevim sladoledom. 

Bon appétit !


INGRIDIENTS (for 6 servings) 
- 1000 g strawberries 
- 130 g flour
- 1 tsp baking powder 
- 70g sugar +  2 tbsp for strawberries 
- 2 small eggs
- 40g butter 
- 1,5 tsp cinnamon 
- vanilla ice cream 

- Preheat oven to 180 ℃.
- Wash the strawberries, slice them and put in buttered baking tin. 
- Sprinkle with sugar,  1/2 tsp of cinnamon and mix well together. 
- In a bowl mix together flour, baking powder and sugar. Add two beaten eggs and mix with fork, until dry and wet ingridients are completely combined.   
- Spred the crumbles over the strawberries and sprinkle with cinnamon. 
- On top arrange small butter cubes. 
- Bake until the crumbles are golden brown. 
- Cool slightly befor serving. Serve with vanilla ice cream. 

Bon appétit !

nedelja, 7. maj 2017



- 6 jajc 
- 4 žlice moke
- 2 žlici kakava 
- 4 žlice sladkorja 
- 1 vanilin sladkor (10g) 
- 1 pecilni prašek (13g)
- ščepec soli 

- 3 dcl mleka 
- 50g sladkorja 
- 2,5 žlice moke 
- 1/2 vanilin sladkorja (5g)
- 125g margarine

- čokolada ali pripravljeni oblivi za cake pops 
- dekoracija 
- palčke za cake pops

- Pečico segrejemo na 180℃.
- Ločimo jajca. V prvi posodi stepemo rumenjake, sladkor in vanilin sladkor. V drugi posodi zmešamo moko, kakav, pecilni prašek  in sol. Dobljeno zmes primešamo rumenjakom. V tretji posodi stepemo beljake ter jih dodamo v prejšnjo zmes. 
- Namastimo pekač ali obložimo s peki papirjem. Biskvit vlijemo v pekač in damo v pečico. Lahko uporabite katerikoli pekač, saj bomo biskvit na koncu zmleli. Pečemo dokler zobotrebec, ki ga vstavimo v biskvit, ne pride ven čist. 
- Skuhamo kremo. V manjši lonec dodamo mleko, sladkor, moko ter vanilin sladkor. Kuhamo na nizki temperaturi, dokler se ne zgosti. Mešamo ves čas. Kremo pustimo, da se ohladi. 
- Ko je krema ohlajena, vmešamo margarino (segreto na sobno temperaturo).
- Biskvit po pečenju pustimo, da se ohladi, nato pa ga zmeljemo v blenderu. 
- Zdrobljenemu biskvitu primešamo kremo ter oblikujemo kroglice poljubne velikosti. 
- Raztopimo čokolado ali cake pops obliv. Vrh palčke namočimo v raztopljeno čokolado in vstavimo v sredino kroglice. Cake popse damo za 5 minut v hladilnik, da se čokolada v kroglici strdi. 
- Nato posamično cake pops namočimo v čokolado ter posipamo s poljubno dekoracijo. 
- Cake popse postavimo v posebno stojalo, večji lonček ali kocko stiropora. Damo jih v hladilnik, da se obliv strdi in serviramo. 

Bon appétit !



- 6 eggs 
- 4 tbs flour 
- 2 tbs cocoa 
- 4 tbs sugar 
- 1 pack of vanilla sugar (10g)
- 1 pack of baking powder (13g)
- pinch of salt 

- 3 dcl milk 
- 50g sugar 
- 2,5 tbs flour 
- 1/2 pack of vanilla sugar (5g)
- 125g margarine 

- chocolate or prepared cake pop frosting 
- decoration 
- cake pop sticks 

- Preheat oven to 180 ℃.
- Separate egg yolks from egg whites. In first bowl mix egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar. In second bowl mix together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt. Add this mixture in egg yolks. In third bowl mix the egg whites and add them to previous mixture. 
- Oil the baking tin or cover it with baking sheet. Pour the mixture in baking tin. It doesn't matter wich baking tin you use, becouse in the end, we are going to grind the cake. Bake the cake until a toothpick inserted into the center of cake comes out clean. 
- Cook the cream. In small pan add milk, sugar, flour and vanilla sugar. Cook on low heat until it thickens. Stir the whole time. Let the cream cool down. 
- Once the cream is cooled mix in the margarine (it should be warmed on the room temperature).
- When the cake is baked, let it cool down and then grind it in the blender. 
- Add cream to the grinded cake, mix together well and form bowls (any size you want).
- Melt down the chocolate or cake pop frosting. Soak the top of the stick into the chocolate and place in the middle of each bowl. Put the cake pops into refrigerator for 5 minutes so that the chocolate in the middle of bowl can harden. 
- Then sink each cake pop into the chocolate and cover with decoration. 
- Place the cake pops on the stand, bigger cup or on a cube of styrofoam. Place them in the fridge, so the frosting hardens and serve. 

 Bon appétit !  

sobota, 29. april 2017



SESTAVINE (za 10 mufinov):
- 190g moke 
- 1 čž sode bikarbone 
- 1 čž pecilnega praška 
- ščepec soli 
- 3 banane 
- 80g sladkorja 
- 1 jajce 
- 110g masla 

- Segrejemo pečico na 190 ℃. V pekač za mufine pipravimo papirčke. 

- V veliki posodi zmešamo moko, sodo bikarbono, pecilni prašek in sol. V drugi posodi zmečkamo banane ter primešamo sladkor, rahlo razžvrkljano jajce in stopljeno maslo. Dobljeno zmes primešamo moki. 

- Papirčke za mufine napolnimo s testom. Pri tem si pomagamo z žlico, še lažje pa je z žlico za sladoled.

- Pečemo 18-20 minut, oz. dokler zobotrebec, ki ga vstavimo v sredino mufina, ne pride ven čist. 

Bon appétit !


INGRIDIENTS (for 10 muffins): 
- 190g flour 
-1 tsp baking soda 
- 1tsp baking powder 
- pinch of salt 
- 3 banane 
- 80g sladkorja 
- 1 egg 
- 110g butter 

- Preheat oven to 190 ℃. Line muffin tin with muffin papers. 

- In a large bowl mix together flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In second bowl mash the bananas, add sugar, lightly beaten egg and melted butter. Add this mixture to the flour.

- Fill the muffin papers with batter. It's easier to fill them with ice cream spoon. 

- Bake for 18-20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of muffin comes out clean. 

Bon appétit !

ponedeljek, 24. april 2017



·         350g moke
·         Ščepec soli
·         125g sladkorja v prahu   
·         125g masla, dobro ohlajenega
·         2 cela jajca, 1 rumenjak
·         1 rumenjak stepen

·         500 ml mleka
·         1 žlica vaniljevega ekstrakta ali 2 stroka vanilje
·         6 rumenjakov
·         120g sladkorja v prahu
·         50g moke

Sadje po izbiri. Za premaz lahko uporabimo marelično ali jagodno marmelado.

·         V veliki posodi zmešamo moko in sol. V moko dodamo maslo (direktno iz hladilnika) in ga dobro vgnetemo v mešanico.

·         Dodamo sladkor, zmešamo skupaj obe jajci in rumenjak ter dodamo v mešanico. Nežno mešamo testo s spatulo, dokler se ne spoji v kroglo.

·         Pomokamo delovno površino, na njo položimo testo, in mesimo dokler ne postane gladko. Testo oblikujemo v kvadrat, da kasneje lahko lažje razvaljamo.

·         Testo pustimo počivati v hladilniku min. eno uro, najboljše pa čez noč.

·         Modelčke za peko namastimo z maslom in posipamo z moko.

·         Pečico segrejemo na 190°C.

·         Pomokamo delovno površino in vzamemo testo iz hladilnika. Testo razvaljamo na debelino 2-3 mm, ga razrežemo in položimo v modelčke. Na vrh položimo peki papir in napolnimo s fižolom. Tako naj počiva v hladilniku pol ure.

·         Ko se testo ohladi, položimo modelčke na pekač in pečemo 15 minut. Odstranimo fižol in papir, premažemo s stepenim rumenjakom ter damo peč še 8 minut. Odrežemo robove, vzamemo testo iz modelčkov ter pustimo, da se ohladi.

·         Za slaščičarsko kremo, damo v večji lonec mleko, vaniljev ekstrakt in segrejemo.

·         V večjo posodo damo rumenjake, sladkor in moko ter mešamo dokler ne postane blede barve. Počasi dodajamo vaniljevo mleko in dobro mešamo. Nato vse skupaj vrnemo v lonec. Kuhamo na nizki temperaturi dokler se ne zgosti, nato vlijemo v čisto posodo. Pokrijemo z peki papirjem ali prozorno folijo, da se ne naredi koža.

·         Ko se krema ohladi jo damo v vrečko za dekoriranje in iztisnemo v pripravljene košarice iz testa. Vse skupaj obložimo s sadjem.

·         V majhen lonec damo 1-2 žlici vode ter marmelado in segrevamo, dokler se ne raztopi. S čopičem rahlo premažemo sadje.

      Bon appétit ! 

    - 350g flour 
    - pinch of salt 
    - 125g cold butter
    - 125g of caster sugar 
    - 2 whole eggs, 1 egg yolk 
    - 1 egg yolk beaten 

    - 500ml milk 
    - 1 tbsp of vanilla extract or 2 vanilla pods 
    - 6 egg yolks 
    - 120g caster sugar 
    - 50g flour 

    You can use any fruit of your choise. To glaze the fruit use apricot or strawberry jam. 

    - In a large bowl mix together flour and salt. Add the butter (direct from the fridge) and knead into the mixture.
    - Add sugar, mix together both eggs and egg yolk and add to the mixture. Stir slowly with spatula until the dough comes together.
    - Flour the work surface, place the dough on it, and knead the dough, until it becomes soft. Shape the pastry into a square, so later you can roll it out easier.
    - Put the dough in the fridge for min. 1h, but the best would be to leave it over night.
    - Grease and flour the baking tins.
    - Preheat the oven to 190 ℃.
    - Flour the work surface, take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out to 2-3mm thick, cut it out and place into the tins. On top place some greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans. Put in the fridge for 30min.
    - Place the tins in to the oven and bake for 15min, then take the beans and paper out, brush with egg yolk and bake for another 8 minutes. Once the pastry is baked, cut off the edges and take the pastry out of the tins to cool down.
    - For vanilla cream, put the milk and vanilla extract in to a pan and warm trough.
g  - Mix together egg yolks, sugar and flour until the mixture becomes pale. Slowly add vanilla milk and stir. Put everything back into the pan.
    - Cook on a low heat until it thickens, then pour into a clean bowl. Place the greasproof paper on top, to stop a skin forming.
    - When the cream cools down put it in the piping bag and fill the pastry cases. Top the tarst with fruit.
    - In small pan heat one tbsp of jam with 2 tbsp of water. Glaze the fruit.

       Bon appétit !




·       8 jajc
8 žlic vroče vode
·        8 žlic sladkorja
·        4 žlice moke
·        4 žlice kakava
·        1 pecilni prašek
·        Ščepec soli


·        250g sladkorja
·        250 ml sladke smetane
·        250 g slanih arašidov

·        250 ml smetane za stepanje
·        20 g želatine v prahu (2 vrečkici)
·        100 ml mleka
·        2 zvrhani žlici arašidovega masla
·        1 žlica vaniljeve arome
·        2,5 žlice sladkorja

·        150g čokolade
·        100 g arašidovega masla
·        2 majhna snickersa

Najprej pripravimo biskvit. Ločimo beljake in rumenjake. Rumenjake, sladkor in vročo vodo mešamo toliko časa, da postanejo penasti. Nato zmesi dodamo moko, kakav, pecilni prašek in sol ter mešamo dokler se vse skupaj lepo poveže. V drugi posodi beljake zmešamo v sneg ter ga počasi dodamo kakavovi masi. Mešamo počasi, da zmes ostane zračna in puhasta. Pekač namastimo z oljem in pomokamo. Jaz sem uporabila pekač s premerom 26 cm. Zmes vlijemo v pekač ter pečemo na 180 stopinj približno 15 minut oz. dokler zobotrebec, po tem ko ga zbodemo v biskvit, ne ostane čist. Pripravljen biskvit ohladimo ter prerežemo na pol.

Ko se biskvit hladi pripravimo karamelo. 250g sladkorja postopoma dodajamo v ponev dokler se popolnoma ne stopi. V tem času v naslednjem loncu segrejemo smetano in jo dodamo popolna stopljenemu sladkorju ter mešamo dokler se vsa karamela v smetani ne stopi. Nato vmešamo arašide. Vzamemo prvo polovico biskvita in okrog njega namestimo okrogel okvir. Polijemo ga s par žlicami mleka in nato po njem razporedimo arašidovo karamelo.

Pripravimo kremo. V posodo nalijemo smetano in jo na pol stepemo. Nat kakav o prilijemo mleko, arašidovo maslo, sladkor in vaniljevo aromo. Premešamo, da se sestavine dobro povežejo. V posodico damo želatino in 8 žlic vode ter počakamo 5-10 minut, da se strdi. Nato želatino raztopimo in jo prilijemo kremi. Nadaljujemo z mešanjem toliko časa, da nastane gosta krema. Kremo prelijemo po karameli ter na vrh položimo še drugo polovico biskvita, ki ga prav tako namočimo s par žlicami mleka. Torto damo za nekaj ur v hladilnik (jaz sem imela nekje 7-8 ur).

Dobro ohlajeni torti odstranimo obroč. Pripravimo čokolado. Mlečno čokolado raztopimo z arašidovim maslom. Počakamo par minut, da se malo ohladi. Čokolado polijemo po torti in jo razporedimo po želji. Za dekoracijo na sredino torto zložimo nekaj narezanih snickers čokoladic. Torto še malo ohladimo in postrežemo.

Bon appétit ! 


- 8 eggs
- 8 tbsp hot water
- 8 tbsp sugar
- 4 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp cocoa
- 1 pack baking powder (12g)
- pinch of salt

- 250g sugar
- 250 ml cream
- 250g salted peanuts

- 250 ml whipping cream
- 20g gelatin
- 100 ml milk
- 2 full tbsp peanut butter
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- 2,5 tbsp sugar

- 150g chocolate
- 100g peanut butter
- 2 small snickers bar

First make the cake. Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Mix egg yolks, sugar and hot water, until foamy. Then add flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt, stir until everything combines. In another bowl mix the egg whites and slowly add them to the cocoa mixture. Mix slowly so the mixture stays airy and fluffy. Greas and flour cake thin (diameter 26cm). Pour the mixture into the tin and bake on 180 ℃ aprox. 15 min. Once the cake is baked leave it to cool and cut in half.
For the peanut caramel gradually put sugar in to the pan until it's completely melted. In another pan warm the cream and add it to the melted sugar, stir until the caramel is melted. Then add peanuts and mix together. Take one half of the cake and put the frame around it. Moist it with couple of tbsp of milk and put the peanut caramel on.
For the peanut cream whipp the cream half way. Add milk, peanut butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Mix until everything combines. Put gelatin and 8 tbsp of water in a small bowl, wait for 5-10 minutes, for it to thicken. Than melt it on a stove and add to the cream. Continue mixing until the cream is thick. Pour the cream on the peanut caramel, then put the other half of the cake on top. Again moist the cake with milk. Put the cake in to the fridge for couple of hours.
When the cake is cooled take of the frame. Prepare the chocolate topping. Melt the chocolate with peanut butter. Wait couple minutes to cool down. Pour the chocolate over the cake and arrange as you wish. For decoration put chopped snicekers bars in the middle of the cake. Cool it down a bit more and serve.

Bon appétit !